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Flight of the DJs playlist for 11/18/2009

This is DJ Trapeze (Salem Eames) filling in for Scotty and Ryan. Hope ya'll liked my mix! It was a very chill set with a lot of music that I used to listen to a lot but haven't given a fair play since I became RPM director at the station. Love this stuff. Good music for listening late at night and simply musing. Tune in to my show Fridays 8-10 p.m. Happy Thanksgiving, too!

The Sportsbash with the Buffalo playlist for 11/14/2009

Final show before thanksgiving break!

TBD playlist for 11/17/2009

Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go playlist for 11/17/2009

Sweet Sounds for Sour People playlist for 11/17/2009

Indie as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Under the Radar playlist for 11/17/2009

No Musician's Profile... Just rockin' local and underground music.

You Know What Really Grinds my Gears? part 1

You know what really grinds my gears? There hasn't been a completely Earth Shattering cd release all year. I'm only talking about loud rock at this point, because i'm not as failiar with the other genres. The closest thing we got was Mastadon, which was praised by critics like it was written by god, recorded by jesus, and produced by Billy Mays. It's a good album, i'll give it it's due... but it's no Number of the Beast. It's no Painkiller. It's no Vulgar Display of Power. What it is, in everything good it shows off, is the best looking turd in a never-ending line of stalls.

EGreen in the Am playlist for 11/17/2009

chillin tunes to start your day with

Mayhem In the AM

The sweetest two hours of radio this side of Mississippi

is not currently scheduled.
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