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Remembering the 80'and 90's : Spotlight Performance


I don't think I've had a spotlight performance for a rapper or rap group/band yet, so today will be the first time!

This is a hip hop/neo soul band that has been around for a while now. *Hint* They are currently apart of a popular late night television show.

I don't think they get enough praise for their music, so I am here to make sure they are acknowledged!


P.S.: Go check out the actual music video for the song with subtitles, IT IS THE TRUTH!!!

Remembering the 80'and 90's : Spotlight Performance

So I'm changing it up!
This performance is a little different from my past posts.

This is a performance from a talented young woman who is no longer alive but her memory still is. There was a great movie about her, and there are two songs most people know her for. This performance is neither of those two specific songs (if we are all thinking about the same songs). lol

I just recently found this performance and song, and I love it!

GIVE IT UP FOR ---------->>>>>

Remembering the 80's and 90's : Spotlight Performance

Here is a very late spotlight performance meant for last week. lol
So yeah, technically there will be two this week.

This artist is sooooooo energetic, it's crazy! He is very talented but other aspects of his life get more recognition and attention. Through his performance you can tell he loved performing because he was just so hype and looked so happy!

GIVE IT UP FOR :::::::::::

P.S.: The performance ends at 4:19


Remembering the 80's and 90's : Spotlight Performance

First Spotlight Performance of the semester!
Okay, so this performance gets spotlighted because 1.) I LOVE this song and 2.) It's amazing.....yup that's that. lol
Anyway, most people know who this singer is; she is up there with the greats.
Clue: Butterflies...I assume she loves butterflies because she has them in a lot of her videos or pictures.

Moving on, ENJOY!!!

Remembering the 80's and 90's : Spotlight Performance

If you tuned in to WONY last Thursday, you may have noticed there was no Remembering the 80's and 90's. I was actually performing in Terps, so I couldn't do my show, but I was able to get someone to cover (SHOUT OUT TO AUSTIN!). Hope you all enjoyed that show!

You may have also noticed there was no spotlight performance. What had happened was I was going to post one, but it just never happened. Then, this week I planned to put up two performances, but I couldn't find a second performance I liked, so there is just one. :(

Remembering the 80'and 90's : Spotlight Performance

Here we go! Spotlight Performance!!!

Very close to my show time, I know, but I had things to do and places to be.

Okay, so in this performance I have strayed away from male groups and have moved on to female groups. I don't think a lot people know of this female group, but I love this song from them. It is actually the first song I ever heard from them.

By the way, notice this performance was on Disney channel........just saying, not something I expected to have been on Disney, but hey I'm glad it was.

Without further ado, enjoy the performance!!!

Remembering the 80's and 90's : Spotlight Performance

Spotlight Performance number 3 !!!

So, I'm very excited about this week's performance because it is sooo powerful. The lead singer, especially, made me feel like he was really living the song. It Is fantastic! This is another male singing group, but a different one. The song is beautiful, and after watching this performance, I think I'm in love with the lead singer (90's him probably not current him), but I saw recent videos and he's still got it!

(cue applause)

Remembering the 80's and 90's : Spotlight Performance

2nd Spotlight Performance!!! You know I just realized I could call this Throwback Thursdays, but I won't and it's probably too late. I'll stick to my not catchy, pretty long, regular title.(lol) My title seemed catchy to me before I came to this realization just now. Whatever, there are Throwback Thursday's everywhere; I'm just going to be the stray!


Remembering the 80's and 90's : Spotlight Performance

Okay, so on my last show I announced that I would start posting up videos on my profile page and I have decided to put up performances I think were great from 80's and 90's artists. Hopefully this will be a weekly thing either before or on Thursdays, and it may or may not be a performance from an artist on that week's playlist. So I forgot to post yesterday, but here is my first SPOTLIGHT PERFORMANCE!!!!! ENJOY!!!

This song has been stuck in my head for a while now.

Top 100 music is really's why!(a rant out of interest)

I looked on billboard's website today and Pharrell's song "Happy" is suddenly at #1. This song was originally featured in the movie 'Despicable Me 2', but for some reason it didn't jump until the new album G I R L dropped. It sits in a sea of dance hits and indie underdogs....and John Legend. I have nothing against John Legend, but he never charted past 90 until apparently last month. Why? o_O

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